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Showing posts from December, 2009

just another freak-week

The past one week had been a blur.Assignments,competitions,Eid,Omar's Birthday,Antonio,tempers and the rain.One hell of a week!-both in good way and a bad way. Pappy had flown home for Eid holidays,looking foward to home-made food, "visiting his lands" "(do i make him sound like a king?:P)and some homey noise and rackets.This time he did not come alone.Omar's Brazilian friend from Oman, Antonio too had come along.Since it was a working week here in India we couldn't take him around as much we would've liked.Antonio however seemed more than happy to be playing with Omar again. Omar's thirteenth birthday coincided with Eid this time.So on 27th,after the little Eid party we had with just our closest friends Omar cut his cake.Later some more guests arrived.I got moody for i don't know what.I seem to always have it when Muthu,my sister, leaves for college.And she was leaving the next day. The followong day had more in store.Saturday afternoon i r