Magda was a girl I knew Though I doubt she did me She was better than the rest thought I,twelve year old I always wanted to talk to Magda But I was scared my "hello" wouldn't sound right She was kind to others and let me play Not like the rest of them They called her Maggie I wanted to too But may I? No,just play rather,what's in a name Magda was pretty I thought Big new teeth,yes But pretty I thought I wished Magda and I were best friends I stopped going to Magda's street Her friends scared me How could she like them! No matter,Magda probably did not even know me I stopped going to Magda's street One Christmas later I went to Magda's street Not to see Magda of course Simply on an errand at the corner shop Ran into Rosie her old friend I could talk to Rosie She had been playing hide and seek she said With Maggie! Oh yes, I pretended,Maggie They had been playing when... Her eyes widened to break sad news She slowed down...