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The Tie Tale

Today was the day of days.Terrible.At least till half day.I had bunked school yesterday in the pretext of fatigue and joints pain.Besides there was no water and electricity, so the morning things wouldn't be as easy as usual.I don't fancy going to school or rather anywhere wearing a crumpled shirt and yesterday's socks.Today morning I had nothing solid to complain about which is very irritating.I threw huge tantrums yelling unkind things about my new school and the people there.Our daily help 'Ammumma' as we call her affectionately,which means grandmother which indeed she is one,chuckled from the kitchen.She muttered something about 'just like when she was three' and went about the morning bustle.I stomped around the house like an angry bull snorting and raging madly.Then it slowly came down and I realised I just looked stupid screaming my head off.I knew Mummy,Ummar and Ammumma were secretly sniggering away at my irritability early at seven.

                                               Half this road was dug up to lay those 11 Kvs
I gulped down the bournvita or whatever it was and dashed out of the house,stuffing my necktie into the side pocket of my bag.It had been raining continuously for the past two days and the road was eroded..or rather de-roaded.And to top that our lane was dug up to lay the 11 KV electric cables.Huge mounds of red clay had rolled up..and down ,plastering a mucky mess down the sloping road.I cautiously ran up the wet,sticky road ,keeping close to the grass.I reached the bus stop,panting.I fished in the side pocket of my bag for my tie.No tie there!My eyes raced to the wristwatch.8:08 am. The yellow pencil box would arrive at 8:10.I could not run back to get it now..I'm kicked,I thought.

I  got to school and asked everyone I know and didn't for a spare tie.No on had one.So I decided telling th e teacher would be the best idea though the worst.As expected she was no more help than informing that I couldn't sit in class.I reset my expression to a cross of the lost-puppy and my best imploring lookAs expected it worked.:D..She asked me to get permission from the Principal.Phew! the worst was over.I saw him right after the prayer and got a signed note.He just asked if I passed all the subjects which I thankfully had.I went back to the class triumphantly and showed the note.Just a short smile(not at all comforting) and she asked "leave of absence?". I flicked through to find the page but it wasn't there!I told her I'd find it in a moment and took my seat.I bent down calling God when i noticed another diary.My brother's-and it had the sick leave.I had no trouble making bigger blunders throughout the day.I attended the prayer meeting hoping it would save me from all this stupidity.Things kind of got better after that.

Ummar and I got down at Kesavadasapuram and waited for Mummy.When she arrived we went to Ambrosia to have a bite and to Trida for Ummar's class magazine stuff.I roamed around the shops looking at the handbags and shoes.We got me a Billabong bag.(i think it's fake:))

And my tie was found on the muddy road by our neighbour 'kamalamma teacher"..hehe..and She sold my mom some kind of edible flowers that she grew.Maybe we'll have fried flowers for dinner..hehe


  1. 'kamalamma tr.' ..she? the ole' music tr. in SV? =) ?!

  2. nah..i dont think..god knows wht she taught..i'll find out where she workd...pretty old


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