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Appreciation appreciation!

Appreciation is indeed candy for the ears.I was working on the Teacher's day programme last week and while surfing online for some quotes i came across one that struck me. "The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated," an observant James Willliams had said.I for one never felt apreciated at the right time for the right thing.I have felt slighlty put out on such occasions and though I have not voiced that feeling openly anywhere I always thought it most unfair.

A few weeks before my auntie Alice had called.She wanted to talk to my mother but she wasn't home at the moment.She then asked how i found my new school,friends and studies.I think I gave her the general idea when i said i wasn't doing that well and had found just a handful of trustworthy friends and that teachers had their own pets.Auntie Alice always had lots of kind words and advice for anyone in distress.She has told me a a little story.There was a boy who failed a test at school.His father called him and scolded him for not doing well at studies.He beat the child and told him to work hard.The boy did as he was told and in the next test he did better than before but not upto the mark.The father beat him again and told him to work harder.The came out with flying colours when he got the results of the third test.His father called him and beat him again.The boy bewildered, asked his father "But I have got full marks.Why did you beat me?".The father replied,"So that you will always remember that sometimes even if have done our very best we need not get much acceptance or appreciation."

You can try making the success pie as many times you like till to get it right.But the topping ingredient,appreciation,may be missing which however you can substitute with another,contentment.


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