Bringing her lips to a full pout she would carefully dab on her mauve lip gloss.Then she would wipe clean any extra around the corners while examining herself in the mirror.Then she'd put on her kajal or Kohl,whatever that is.Meticulously. Her kurtie is purple today. She rummaged her numerous little boxes for a pair of studs that would go with her top.She is my sister.
I always find it fascinating to watch her fuss over the minute details. She would throw a huge tantrum if she couldn't find her white and gold, enamelled bangle that would go perfectly with her bag or if her wristwatch looked out of place. On those mornings you can find me at the table ,eyebrow raised and sometimes trying hard not to laugh. What is with girls and make-up and jewellery!
Maybe my opinion is in accordance with my poor sense of style. I'm sorry if you think big flat strap-on sandals are unwomanly and a trusty digital watch is an ugly bit of junk to be on a girl's wrist.But that's what I am most days.Comfort comes before cool. Oh I nearly forgot the bunch of greys that stick upright like soldiers on top of my forehead and my mostly unplucked brows.The piercings in my ears are like some kind of historical reminders, "Here is where they stashed the Gold back in 1994!". I've no time to look after looks. Plainly said, LAZY.
Once the woman at the roadside coffee shop nearly cried her heart out on seeing "such a young girl with greys". I listened to the Baba Yaga's advice,greysfully. I had to slick my hair everyday with gooseberry oil.Sure, when I'm your age! On a funnier day when I was waiting at bus stop I met the lady at the photocopy shop. I had seen her for the first time in my life only the previous day. We got talking and before long she asked me which division I was. I didn't quite get what she meant. "Aren't you Pentecost?".Now I did. I waved and laughed, though my earring-less ears burned. (Why in the world does she care?!). Once when I got my hair cropped below the ears I had to endure months of lamenting over the gone hair.
This year on the top of my imaginary resolution list I crossed "focus" to put "remember to wear the little tacks on your ears just so they all keep shut!" on top. But I must admit, first impressions do count.
PS. I will never get rid of my huge black sandals!
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